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Our Client Accused of a Serious Crime Was Released from Detention

In December 2024, our office was approached by the defendant Sh.S., seeking legal representation in a criminal case being investigated by the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Republic of Armenia.
Before contacting our office, Sh.S. had been charged with a serious crime under Article 435, Part 2, Clauses 1 and 3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia, namely, receiving a bribe for an unlawful act by a group of officials. Detention had been applied as a preventive measure against him by a decision of the Anti-Corruption Court of the Republic of Armenia.
Approximately 20 days after attorney Andranik Mnatsakanyan of our office undertook the defense of the accused, as a result of procedural actions and the appeal of the judicial act aimed at protecting the defendant’s interests, the Anti-Corruption Court of Appeals of the Republic of Armenia ruled to replace the detention with a combination of alternative preventive measures.
We express our gratitude to Judge Ani Martirosyan of the Anti-Corruption Court of Appeals for delivering a fair judicial act.