+(374) 33 374 375

Tax and customs law

The company provides high-quality advocacy and legal services in the tax and customs law sphere throughout the territory of the Republic of Armenia: Yerevan, Gyumri and other cities of Armenia. Our law firm, at the request of the business activity initiating company, conducts a preliminary legal investigation into the planned business activity, which allows to calculate in advance what tax and customs liabilities may arise as a result of the planned business initiative.

We also evaluate tax and customs liabilities and applied penalties and fines, that have already been calculated by the tax authority, and assess positive outcome possibility if the cases are to be disputed in court. As the lawyers of our office Arsen Sardaryan, Vahe Mnatsakanyan, Edgar Ayvazyan have substantial experience in both administrative and criminal cases, so the office successfully represents its clients interests in tax and customs spheres, regardless of whether the respectable state authority uses administrative or criminal toolkit. In this regard, it should be noted that, unfortunately, there are cases when the apparent administrative case is artificially criminalized by state authorities, so that they can try to influence the entity with alleged tax liability by means of criminal law. Considering this practice by state authorities unacceptable, our office is waging legal fight against such phenomena by submitting relevant complaints to the administrative and criminal cases investigating courts operating in the Republic of Armenia. The judicial system of the Republic of Armenia is a rather efficient way to restore the violated rights in this regard.

Our law firm also cooperates with well-known accounting companies.