+(374) 33 374 375

Bankruptcy law

The company provides high quality legal and advocacy services in various areas of bankruptcy law. Our lawyers provide legal services in bankruptcy law related cases throughout the  territory of the Republic of Armenia. Although there is one Bankruptcy Court in the Republic of Armenia, which is located in the city of Yerevan, judges convene court hearing on bankruptcy  cases in Gyumri, Vanadzor, Kapan and other cities of Armenia.

Bankruptcy attorneys have extensive experience in representing interests of both creditors, including secured creditors, and debtors. Complicated bankruptcy laws, strict court deadlines, and the involvement of a bankruptcy trustee significantly complicate a citizen's ability to themselves in bankruptcy cases. Therefore, it is recommended to involve an experienced lawyer at the very beginning of the bankruptcy case

There are cases when the debtor legal entities deliberately take the company to bankruptcy in order not to commit obligations, or try to artificially prolong the bankruptcy proceedings in order to repay the creditors' money as late as possible. Our law firms also specialize in criminal law, so in such cases they can use criminal law tools to efficiently represent the client’s interests.